The Brisbane City Council has a long-term community plan for the city called Brisbane Vision 2031. This details the aspirations in relation to Brisbane housing for our city’s future and outlines ideas for achieving this vision between now and the year 2031.
At that time, it is anticipated that Brisbane will be a well-designed, outdoor living city which maximises the lifestyle characteristics of our warm sunny climate. To achieve this, planning and development guidelines have been implemented by the Brisbane City Council, to ensure that our city prepares effectively for the population and employment growth that is predicted.
One of the targets that our city has set out to achieve includes accommodating 156,000 new dwellings to meet the anticipated population growth into the future. Of these dwellings, 138,000, or 88%, will be infill dwellings which will consist of Brisbane housing located within the existing urban area rather than in new greenfield locations.
Council manages the process of increasing housing density in the inner city areas by implementing plans and strategies to manage the development and construction of new dwellings. The Brisbane City Plan was implemented in 2014, and its purpose is to guide future development and growth for 20 years. We are already 4 years into this plan an we can already see the effects of changes to land zoning and the consequential development that has taken place in some suburbs. This plan will be reviewed periodically by council to ensure that is responds appropriately to the changes in the community at a local, regional and state level.
Council have also implemented 36 neighbourhood plans since 2006 which involved engagement with more than 400,000 residents. These plans assist with creating neighbourhood zones that their residents desire and involve planning at a more local level.
Knowledge of the plans that guide development in Brisbane is critical to determining the long term growth and development potential of any site. It is important to understand the planning schemes to determine if a house can be removed from a site, if a block of land can be subdivided or if townhouses or units can be accommodated on a particular site. Planning tools which are accessible by developers, can determine the best use for any site across the city of Brisbane.
As always, feel free to contact us at Streamline Property Buyers if you have any Brisbane property questions.